Saturday, April 3, 2010

The 12 Rewards

  1. Faith instead of despair.

  2. Courage instead of fear.

  3. Hope instead of desperation.

  4. Peace of mind instead of confusion.

  5. Real friendships instead of loneliness.

  6. Self-respect instead of self-contempt.

  7. Self-confidence instead of helplessness.

  8. A clean conscious instead of a sense of guilt.

  9. The respect of others instead of their pity and contempt.

  10. A clean pattern of living instead of a hopeless existence.

  11. The love and understanding of our families instead of their doubts and fears.

  12. The freedom of a happy life instead of the bondage of an alcoholic obsession.

    1. Ann C. wrote this "a number of years before" the 1985 Internation Convention in Montreal, Canada where she set it to tape at the Oldtimers Meeting.

      She wrote it to show the contrast that can take place in any of our lives if we will try to follow the AA principles.

    Tuesday, March 16, 2010


    And acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing, or situation--some fact of my life--unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing, or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment. Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God's world by mistake. Until I could accept my alcoholism, I could not stay sober; unless I accept life completely on life's terms, I cannot be happy. I need to concentrate not so much on what needs to be changed in the world as on what needs to be changed in me and in my attitudes.

    --from p. 417 of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous (4th Edition)

    Monday, March 15, 2010

    Just For Today

    JUST FOR TODAY I will try to live through this day only, and not tackle my whole life problem at once. I can do something for twelve hours that would appall me if I felt that I had to keep it up for a lifetime.

    JUST FOR TODAY I will be happy. This assumes to be true what Abraham Lincoln said, Most people are as happy as they make up their minds to be....

    JUST FOR TODAY I will adjust myself to what is, and not try to adjust everything to my own desires. I will take my LUCK as it comes and fit myself to it.

    JUST FOR TODAY I will try to strengthen my mind. I will study. I will learn something useful. I will read something that requires effort, thought, and concentration.

    JUST FOR TODAY I will exercise my soul in three ways: I will do somebody a good turn, and not get found out; if anybody knows of it ,it will not count. I will do at least two things I don't want to do--just for exercise. I will not show anyone that my feelings are hurt; they may be hurt, but today I will not show it.

    JUST FOR TODAY I will be agreeable. I will look as well as I can, dress becomingly, talk low, act courteously, criticize not one bit, not find fault with anything, and not try to improve or regulate anybody except myself.

    JUST FOR TODAY I will have a program. I may not follow it exactly, but I will have it. I will save myself from two pests: hurry and indecision.

    JUST FOR TODAY I will have a quiet half hour all by myself and relax. During this half hour, some time, I will try to get a better perspective of my life.

    JUST FOR TODAY I will be unafraid. Especially I will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful, and to believe that as I give to the world, so the world will give to me.

    Sunday, March 14, 2010

    Serenity Prayer

    Seventh Tradition

    Give as if your life depends on it!

    How much is your recovery worth to you?

    Our disease tells us,

    “There will never be enough.”

    Scores of OA members worldwide have discovered that their fears of not having enough food, money, security or love have been lifted by a power greater than themselves. Experience has shown that OA recovery is far stronger than the debilitating disease of compulsive overeating, which also kept us captive to shame and insecurity about the future.

    When describing the benefits of recovery,
    many members point to the promises listed in
    Alcoholics Anonymous (the Big Book), including:
    “Our whole attitude and outlook upon life
    will change. Fear of people and of economic
    insecurity will leave us” (p. 84).

    To know the true freedom of recovery is to
    know that we can make sensible and necessary
    financial contributions to OA at all levels, and
    that this investment in our Fellowship ensures
    we can continue to carry the message to the
    still-suffering compulsive eater.

    Our Seventh Tradition states that OA is
    fully self-supporting, accepting contributions
    only from OA members. While no fees or dues
    will ever be required for membership, OA needs
    help to keep its rooms open, provide opportunities
    for fellowship and spread its message to
    still-suffering compulsive overeaters.

    What if I can’t afford to contribute now?

    OA never requires a contribution. Members
    may attend meetings for free as long as they
    like. However, many of us have found that a
    financial contribution, no matter how small,
    supports our recovery.

    Also, the concept of self-support applies to
    service as well as finances. OA members
    strengthen their recovery by giving service to
    groups, intergroups, service boards, regions or
    the World Service Office.

    For more on OA's 7th tradition, please click here!

    Daily Meditation

    Our promise of recovery is in every OA meeting when we join hands, pray together and joyously, lovingly encourage one another:Keep coming back!

    Overeaters Anonymous, 2nd edition (p. 17)

    Friday, March 12, 2010

    AA Sponsorship Pamphlet (1944) by Clarence Snyder

    This is the first pamphlet ever written concerning sponsorship. It was written by Clarence H. Snyder in early 1944. Its original title was to be "AA Sponsorship...Its Obligations and Its Responsibilities." It was printed by the Cleveland Central Committee under the title:

    "AA Sponsorship . . . Its Opportunities and Its Responsibilities."


    Each member of Alcoholics Anonymous is a potential sponsor of a new member and should clearly recognize the obligations and duties of such responsibility.

    The acceptance of an opportunity to take the AA plan to a sufferer of alcoholism entails very real and critically important responsibilities. Each member, undertaking the sponsorship of a fellow alcoholic, must remember that he is offering what is frequently the last chance of rehabilitation, sanity or maybe life itself.

    Happiness, Health, Security, Sanity and Life of human beings are the things we hold in balance when we sponsor an alcoholic.

    No member among us is wise enough to develop a sponsorship program that can be successfully applied in every case. In the following pages, however, we have outlined a suggested procedure, which supplemented by the member's own experience, has proven successful.


    No one reaps full benefit from any fellowship he is connected with unless he wholeheartedly engages in its important activities. The expansion of Alcoholics Anonymous to wider fields of greater benefit to more people results directly from the addition of new, worth-while members or associates.

    Any AA who has not experienced the joys and satisfaction of helping another alcoholic regain his place in life has not yet fully realized the complete benefits of this fellowship. On the other hand, it must be clearly kept in mind that the only possible reason for bringing an alcoholic into AA is for that person's gain. Sponsorship should never be undertaken to :

    Increase the size of the group
    For personal satisfaction and glory
    Because the sponsor feels it his duty to re-make the world.
    Until an individual has assumed the responsibility of setting a shaking, helpless human being back on the path toward becoming a healthy useful, happy member of society, he has not enjoyed the complete thrill of being an AA


    Most people have among their own friends and acquaintances someone who would benefit from our teachings. Others have names given to them by their church, by their doctor, by their employer, or by some other member, who cannot make a direct contact.

    Because of the wide range of the AA activities, the names often come from unusual and unexpected places. These cases should be contacted as soon as all facts such as: marital status, domestic relations, financial status, drink habits, employment status and others readily obtainable are at hand.


    Much time and effort can be saved by learning as soon as possible if :

    The man really has a drinking problem?
    Does he know he has a problem?
    Does he want to do something about his drinking?
    Does he want help?
    Sometimes the answers to these questions cannot be made until the prospect has had some AA instruction, and an opportunity to think. Often we are given names, which upon investigation, show the prospect is in no sense an alcoholic, or is satisfied with his present plan of living. We should not hesitate to drop these names from our lists. Be sure, however, to let the man know where he can reach us at a later date.


    AA is a fellowship of men and women bound together by their inability to use alcohol in any form sensibly, or with profit or pleasure. Obviously, any new members introduced should be the same kind of people, suffering from the same disease.

    Most people can drink reasonably, but we are only interested in those who cannot. Party drinkers, social drinkers, celebrators, and others who continue to have more pleasure than pain from their drinking, are of no interest to us.

    In some instances an individual might believe himself to be a social drinker when he definitely is an alcoholic. In many such cases more time must pass before that person is ready to accept our program. Rushing such a man before he is ready might ruin his chances of ever becoming a successful AA. Do not ever deny future help by pushing too hard in the beginning.

    Some people, although definitely alcoholic, have no desire or ambition to better their way of living, and until they do........ AA has nothing to offer them.

    Experience has shown that age, intelligence, education, background, or the amount of liquor drunk, has little, if any, bearing on whether or not the person is an alcoholic.


    In many cases a man's physical condition is such that he should be placed in a hospital, if at all possible. Many AA members believe hospitalization, with ample time for the prospect to think and plan his future, free from domestic and business worries, offers distinct advantage. In many cases the hospitalization period marks the beginning of a new life. Other members are equally confident that any man who desires to learn the AA plan for living can do it in his own home or while engaged in normal occupation. Thousands of cases are treated in each manner and have proved satisfactory.


    The following paragraphs outline a suggested procedure for presenting the AA plan to the prospect, at home or in the hospital.


    1. In calling upon a new prospect, it has been found best to qualify oneself as an ordinary person who has found happiness, contentment, and peace of mind through AA Immediately make it clear to the prospect that you are a person engaged in the routine business of earning a living. Tell him your only reason for believing yourself able to help him is because you yourself are an alcoholic and have had experiences and problems that might be similar to his.


    2. Many members have found it desirable to launch immediately into their personal drinking story, as a means of getting the confidence and whole-hearted co-operation of the prospect.

    It is important in telling the story of your drinking life to tell it in a manner that will describe an alcoholic, rather than a series of humorous drunken parties. This will enable the man to get a clear picture of an alcoholic which should help him to more definitely decide whether he is an alcoholic.


    3. In many instances the prospect will have tried various means of controlling his drinking, including hobbies, church, changes of residence, change of associations, and various control plans. These will, of course, have been unsuccessful. Point out your series of unsuccessful efforts to control drinking...their absolute fruitless results and yet that you were able to stop drinking through application of AA principles. This will encourage the prospect to look forward with confidence to sobriety in AA in spite of the many past failures he might have had with other plans.


    4. Tell the prospect frankly that he can not quickly understand all the benefits that are coming to him through AA. Tell him of the happiness, peace of mind, health, and in many cases, material benefits which are possible through understanding and application of the AA way of life.


    5. Explain the necessity of reading and re-reading the AA Big Book. Point out that this book gives a detailed description of the AA tools and the suggested methods of application of these tools to build a foundation of rehabilitation for living. This is a good time to emphasize the importance of the twelve steps.


    6. Convey to the prospect that the objectives of AA are to provide the ways and means for an alcoholic to regain his normal place in life. Desire, patience, faith, study and application are most important in determining each individual's plan of action in gaining full benefits of AA


    7. Since the belief of a Power greater than oneself is the heart of the AA plan, and since this idea is very often difficult for a new man, the sponsor should attempt to introduce the beginnings of an understanding of this all-important feature.

    Frequently this can be done by the sponsor relating his own difficulty in grasping a spiritual understanding and the methods he used to overcome his difficulties.


    8. While talking to the newcomer, take time to listen and study his reactions in order that you can present your information in a more effective manner. Let him talk too. Remember...Easy Does It.


    9. To give the new member a broad and complete picture of AA, the sponsor should take him to various meetings within convenient distance of his home. Attending several meetings gives a new man a chance to select a group in which he will be most happy and comfortable, and it is extremely important to let the prospect make his own decision as to which group he will join. Impress upon him that he is always welcome at any meeting and can change his home group if he so wishes.


    10. A successful sponsor takes pains and makes any required effort to make certain that those people closest and with the greatest interest in their prospect (mother, father, wife, etc.) are fully informed of A.A., its principles and its objectives. The sponsor sees that these people are invited to meetings, and keeps them in touch with the current situation regarding the prospect at all times.


    11. A prospect will gain more benefit from a hospitalization period if the sponsor describes the experience and helps him anticipate it, paving the way for those members who will call on him.


    These suggestions for sponsoring a new man in AA teachings are by no means complete. They are intended only for a framework and general guide. Each individual case is different and should be treated as such. Additional information for sponsoring a new man can be obtained from the experience of older men in the work. A co-sponsor, with an experienced and newer member working on a prospect, has proven very satisfactory. Before undertaking the responsibility of sponsoring, a member should make certain that he is able and prepared to give the time, effort, and thought such an obligation entails. It might be that he will want to select a co-sponsor to share the responsibility, or he might feel it necessary to ask another to assume the responsibility for the man he has located.